Imaging Services

Imaging Services

Dignity Health Yavapai Regional Medical Center
7700 East Florentine Road
Prescott Valley, Arizona 86314
(928) 771-7577

Facility Guide
Location Guide 

Imaging Services

Dignity Health Yavapai Regional Medical Center West
1003 Willow Creek Road
Prescott, Arizona 86301

Facility Guide
Location Guide
The Breast Care Center

Dignity Health Yavapai Regional Medical Center
7700 East Florentine Road
Prescott Valley, Arizona 86314
(928) 771-7577

Facility Guide
Location Guide 

810 Whipple Street
Prescott, Arizona 86301


7700 East Florentine Road, Building B, Suite 105
Prescott Valley, Arizona 86314


YRMC East – Imaging Services
Scheduling Appointments

Outpatient Services Hours (includes imaging services for children)

(928) 771-7577

7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday;
Saturday by appointment only

YRMC West – Imaging Services
Scheduling Appointments

Outpatient Services Hours

(928) 771-7577

7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday

The Breast Care Center
Scheduling Appointments

Outpatient Services Hours

(928) 442-8900

7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday

Dignity Health Imaging Center, Prescott
Scheduling Appointments

Outpatient Service Hours

(928) 771-7577

7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday; Saturday by appointment only

Dignity Health Imaging Center, Prescott Valley
Scheduling Appointments

Outpatient Services Hours

(928) 771-7577

7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday

YRMC Business Office (Patient Financial Services)

(928) 771-5151

YRMC Main Phone Number

(928) 445-2700
or 1-877-843-9762

If you need information about your medical record, please contact Health Information Management.

To learn about YRMC's Pre-Registration Portal visit Admitting and Registration.